

My biggest current challenge, in terms of controlling my own impulses, is my inhability to let go of my RSS feeds for more than a day. Even though it is a curated list of only around 50 sources, the stream of news is constant and plenty in terms of reading material (Around 800 messages a day). This post is my self documenting journey into managing the anxiety with regards to not checking my feeds.

The frequency varies depending on the day, with weekdays being the most active days and weekends being very low. My goal is to separate specific times for the activity and avoid rushing into the phone whenever i feel like i am not doing anything.

Initial plan:

  1. Document the daily usage of rss feeds.
    • One morning reminder to document the checks.
    • One evening reminder to pass the info to this post.
  2. Keep the usual ratio to determine how much time is consumed.
  3. Determine which moments to skip the activity and focus on other relevant activities (Think of details…).

Results of the evaluation:

  1. On Average i check the feeds 5 times a day.
  2. On weekends this is reduced to 2 times a day.
  3. On weekdays is around 6 times a day.

In terms of time around 15-30 minutes a day are allocated to the feeds.

After posting basically the average of around a week ive come to the conclusion than on average i should try and use the eating breaks to check the feeds and also be more dissmisive of the idea of a constant feed checking, favoring reading various kindle books on the phone + checking my articles on queue on instapaper.